giovedì 8 settembre 2011


UNITED FOR GLOBAL CHANGE OCTOBER 15TH On October 15th citizens around the world will take to the streets to express outrage at how our rights are being undermined by the alliance between politicians and big corporations. From Democracia real Ya (Real Democracy Now) we invite you to participate in this peaceful protest by joining our call to action or by calling for other actions on this date. It is time to raise our voice. Our future is at stake, and nothing can hold back the power of millions of people when they unite for a common goal. Democracia real Ya is a platform that originated in Spain to coordinate various civil mobilization groups. Under the slogan “We are not goods in the hands of politicians and bankers”, thousands of people took to the streets on May 15th to demand a more participatory democracy, to reject corruption in Spain’s political system, and to show our opposition to the austerity measures imposed on us. Following the success of that first demonstration, several movements emerged. Acampadas (tent cities) were set up in central squares across the country, much like the first occupation of Tahrir Square in Cairo. The acampadas gave rise to popular assemblies, where citizens shape their goals through an inclusive non-hierarchal decision making process. The May 15 movement soon expanded beyond Spanish borders and inspired actions in numerous cities around the world, including a mass demonstration against the Euro Pact last June 19th. Pressured by financial powers, our political leaders work for the benefit of just a few, regardless of the social, human or environmental cost this may cause. By promoting wars for profit and impoverishing whole populations, our ruling classes are depriving us of our right to a free and just society. That’s why we invite you to join this peaceful fight and spread the message that together we have the ability to change this intolerable situation. Let’s take to the streets on October 15th. It’s time for them to listen to us. United we will make our voices heard! Facebook Event

mercoledì 29 giugno 2011

GhostMarket is back! #two #antisec

New era Market :
Bitcoin Address 1FoTtNeT3aU5SfmUvgsiiWwnVdiYaDcNWp
A new era for the GhostMarket you can, offer your skills to the community # antisec, set a price for your work, we will take delivery of the bitcoin, you completed the work requested by the community, work completed, we will give you the 'offer!
Become a hero and you will be rewarded by the community!
Follow on Twitter hash tag # two for other information, the world is about to change!

martedì 5 aprile 2011


The Sony PS3 console was "hacked" or more appropriately, jailbroken, by iPhone hacker, Geohot. He managed to reverse engineer his own Playstation 3 to run homebrew applications on it. And then later released the method to the public, through his site, Sony hit him with a lawsuit and demanded social media sites, including YouTube to hand over IP addresses of people who visited Geohot's social pages/videos. Paypal have granted access to Sony for them to view Geohot's PayPal account. The judge of the case has given permission to Sony to view the IP addresses of everyone who visited Sony are also after another group of hackers for the same case. The PS3 hack which GeoHot released can be compared to the "unlocking" of a phone (i.e. Once you purchase the phone, it's yours, you can do whatever it is you want with it.)

giovedì 17 marzo 2011

martedì 8 marzo 2011

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